Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Pastor

I took this with my camera phone as my pastor was preparing for our Sunday evening service. I am so grateful to God for this servant of His, who faithfully keeps watch over my soul--may I live in such a way that he can do this with joy and not groaning (Hebrews 13:17)!


Mary said...

Not only do you have good looking children, but man, look at that handsome pastor!

Laura in CT said...

Yessiree. Soon I'll have to do the good-looking wife of the good-looking pastor... :-)

Kathy in WA said...

What sweet words about your pastor - the Bible verses (not the ones about his looks--ha).

Debbie said...

Oh my, he is so young!

Wonderful words for your pastor, Laura.

Cynthia said...

I'm thinking he looks SO YOUNG! Now that I think about it EVERYONE looks young to me these days... sigh...

Emily said...

Isn't wonderful to have such a sweet relationship with your pastor. My husband and my brother are both pastors . . .my brother is very young . . .I think he is 30 . . . My husband was 37 when we started our church . . .