Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cooperative Grasshopper

When I first saw this little creature, he was on the green leaves of the shrub around which the morning glories twine. I took a few shots, but it was hard to focus on him in the twilight, and then my batteries died. I went inside to switch out the batteries and almost called it a night. But I wanted to have another go at the flowers, so I went back out and took a few shots of closing morning glories before I noticed that my little friend was posing for me.


Bess said...

What a cool picture!

Cynthia said...

LOL.. nice of him to be so cooperative. Is morning glory a weed in your area? It's a weed here.

berrypatch said...

Wow- that's a really wonderful photo!!!!

Laura in CT said...

Cynthia, dh thinks it's a weed, but I like them and don't pull them or let him pull them. If I were more motivated I'd train them up a trellis or something...