Monday, July 2, 2007

Summer Reading

From the top, a commentary on Ezekiel, which I just finished this afternoon; a collection of New York Times crossword puzzles; The Doctrine of God by John Frame; Desiring God, which I'm reading with a group of women from church; Calvin's Institutes; and Photoshop Elements the Missing Manual.


Cynthia said...

Will you give a review of these books? That reminds me I should check your other blog because I bet you review them over there. I'm interested in hearing about the Photoshop Elements one.

Laura in CT said...

Cynthia, I probably will not review the Photoshop Elements one, but it is very good. I have a couple books in the Missing Manual series and have been pleased with every one--well written, clear, thorough, friendly, useful.

Kathy in WA said...

I am begging for Photoshop Elements for my birthday (in just a few weeks). It looks like there are some great books out there on the subject. Although in some ways that makes me really nervous. Is it that complicated that people write BOOKS about the program??? Ha!