Monday, January 22, 2007

Snowy Street

Light snow has been falling all evening, and I've been out and about ferrying my son back and forth to karate and running errands. I'm not a skilled photographer, so night is hard, and snow is hard, but I kind of like this one.


kmjrose said...

I really like this picture! I haven't lived in a city for a long time now, but it reminds me of the impending quiet that comes with a snowstorm.

Kristine said...

Laura, you may not be a trained photographer, but you certainly are skilled! I LOVE seeing your pictures, and I know I've said that a couple of times already. It's more than just your camera, it's how you can convey what you see, taking something that could be ordinary and making it special.

Laura in CT said...

Kristine--you are too kind! Thanks--I am encouraged. This project is a way for me to strengthen a weakness; with WORDS I'm confident, but pictures! Agh! But taking more pictures is helping me get better--and I do appreciate your comments!

Cynthia said...

I *LOVE* this picture! It is WAY COOL. GREAT JOB.